Two (multiplied) by two is four. = vermenigvuldigen He (valued) the painting at 20.000 pounds. = waarderen, taxeren He (volunteered) to do the washing up. = zich als vrijwilliger aanmelden Can you (solve) all my problems? = oplossen My grandmother is an (elderly) lady. = bejaard The teacher demanded (a reply). = een antwoord He was (equally) hurt by the divorce as his wife was. = evenzeer, in gelijke mate It was (largely) due to bad weather. = grotendeels We can always (rely on) our parents. = vertrouwen op I (aim) to be a millionaire. = (zich) richten op, van plan zijn They have some strange (customs) in this country! = gewoonte She was a (victim) of domestic violence. = slachtoffer The pupils were chosen (at random) by the teacher. = willekeurig The house was badly (damaged) in the fire. = schaden, beschadigen The walls were all that (remained) of the castle. = (over)blijven I (demand) an explanation!! = eisen ‘I think it’s going to rain’, she (remarked). = opmerken I bought this laptop on John’s (recommendation). = aanbeveling It was a harsh (judgement). = (ver)oordeling His (statement) wasn’t enough to proof his innocence. = verklaring You need good (equipment) to climb mountains. = uitrusting Never keep a (customer) waiting. = klant She (comforted) him after his mum’s death. = troosten Sam was (humiliated) by his biolology teacher. = vernederen This evidence is a (determination) of the truth. = vaststelling